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TMC Services

Saving money on employee benefits is imperative in today’s economy. The cost of providing benefits continues to rise, and employees consistently seek more. Many employers struggle to balance employee needs with their own bottom lines. Helping you meet these needs is TMC Employee Benefits Group’s specialty.

Obtaining competitive quotes for coverage and handling claims problems is only a small part of what you should expect from your insurance and employee benefit advisors. We go much further by providing quality services throughout the year.

Our professional services include the following:

Plan Strategy Capabilities

TMC Employee Benefits Group begins a thoughtful, open dialogue at initial engagement to help design or modify a plan that is as unique as you are. It is important to learn the inner-workings of the business as well as the current plan design, cost structure, funding mechanism, benefit level and employees’ needs and satisfaction to determine a plan that is best for you.

In addition to an open dialogue, another critical component to the Plan Strategy is our benchmark surveys and statistics.

Our benchmarking data provides you a standard to which you can compare your benefit programs. We will make recommendations to help you enhance your plan while at the same time remaining competitive and reducing your overall plan costs.

Valuable benefit trend statistics and surveys are one of the core pieces of information that we provide to our clients to help support your benefit plan design strategy and decisions. These surveys and statistics provide benchmark data from leading consulting organizations around the country and cover the following topics:

- Ancillary Benefits
- Benefit Costs
- Benefit Management
- Health Care Costs
- Health Plans
- Prescription Drugs
- Wellness Benefits

Data Analysis

TMC Employee Benefits Group has managed medical benefit programs since 1999 for over 100 employer groups in an effort to keep costs below comparable levels experienced by other employers. Our aggressive management technique comes from years of experience inside the insurance carriers which gives us a unique perspective into what factors make up an insurance carrier’s rate action. We have developed proven methods that help reduce and manage on-going costs. Our experience on the outside has also given us the expertise needed to know the challenges that are facing employers today not only in terms of cost but also in recruitment and retention of skilled, high quality employees.

As the health care industry continues to change, we have remained ahead of the game. We obtain meaningful information that helps us evaluate cost drivers, trends and savings opportunities associated with our clients’ medical benefits. In addition, we work to evaluate the impact of future plan changes. We discuss this on a quarterly basis with our clients so that they are kept aware of how they are performing and recommended changes that could be made to the plan.

We provide employer groups with tools that will provide consistent year-to-year data, reporting formats and comparative benchmarks. This highly meaningful – yet understandable – information enables us to work together with your data in a continuous, interactive manner as plan management issues arise.

Plan Administration and Legislative Compliance

There are countless rules and regulations governing employee benefit plans. We will help ensure that you are meeting your compliance obligations. We stay up-to-date, and will inform you of any laws or regulations that may affect your employee benefit program. Our compliance consulting services include:

- Easy-to-read Legislative Briefs that summarize recent federal legislative
  developments in insurance and employee benefits.

- Answers to common COBRA, ARRA, Health Care Reform, FMLA, HIPAA, HIPAA
  Privacy, Medicare Part D, GINA, and Section 125 questions.

- Commonly used forms in COBRA, ARRA, FMLA, HIPAA, HIPAA Privacy, Medicare Part D and Section 125 administration.

TMC Employee Benefits Group is committed to helping you with complex plan administration and legislative compliance, using a variety of internal and external resources.

Human Resources Tools

TMC Employee Benefits Group is dedicated to helping you create and maintain a positive work environment by offering solutions for your organization’s human resource challenges. Our services include:

- Employee Handbooks and Policies
- Employee Communications
- HR Communications
- Benefit Statements
- Employee Surveys
- Wellness Initiatives

Often it can be more difficult to deliver the message than it is to create it. We recognize that many employers are seeking a more effective and efficient means of communicating important information to their employees. Fortunately, newer, more efficient ways of communicating human resources and benefits information are becoming more prevalent every day. We can help you in creating and delivering the message.

Custom Employer/Employee Communications

Understanding the complexity of employee benefits plans is a challenge even for experienced benefits managers. Employers need to keep abreast of constantly changing trends, laws and other regulations. Employees need to be able to understand their benefits well in order to be wise consumers and understand the value of their “hidden paycheck.” Unfortunately, most employers have limited resources in this area.

The TMC team helps you tackle your employee communication challenges. With strategic planning and a thorough understanding of your communication objectives, we provide custom communication materials that will help both you and your employees understand your plans and the issues influencing your benefits decisions. Below are the types of custom communications we offer.

Employee Benefit Communications
Benefit communications include memos, flyers, payroll stuffers, posters and articles used to announce benefit changes, introduce new benefits or plans, or to help employees understand and use certain benefits.

Benefit Statements
We provide benefit statement items such as total compensation statement packets and a summary of an employee's benefits package, including salary and benefits.

Consumer-Directed Health Care (CDHC)
We supply everything you need, including letters, flyers, articles, payroll stuffers, posters and e-mails to help support your CDHC campaigns.

Employee Handbook & Policies
Access a full employee handbook, as well individual policies, that you can provide to your employees to communicate company policies or procedures.

Health Awareness Newsletter
This customized, two-page newsletter for your employees covers various health and wellness topics.

Know Your Employee Benefits
Provide your employees with insight and information about insurance and employee benefits topics with this series. These brochures help your employees better understand their benefits, and can serve as a foundation for your ongoing employee communication campaigns.

Live Well, Work Well
This series of flyers centers on health and wellness issues, educating employees on how to live healthy and productive lives.

National Health Observances Calendar
The NHO Calendar allows you to educate and inform your employees on wellness issues throughout the year by supplying you with national health observances and listings of materials that complement those observances.

Prevention Newsletter
This quarterly newsletter focuses on topics such as obesity, exercise, drug and alcohol prevention, the flu and much more.

Wellness Services

Wellness benefits refer to the education and activities that a workplace may implement to promote healthy lifestyles to employees and their families. Examples of wellness programming include health education classes, subsidized use of fitness facilities, internal policies that promote healthy behavior, and any other activity, policy or environmental change that affects the health of employees.

At TMC Employee Benefits Group, we can help design wellness programs ranging from basic to comprehensive. Many programs require a minimal investment of time and money. More substantial programs often use more resources, but the many benefits to supporting and encouraging employee health and wellness outweigh the costs. A wellness program will impact your company’s bottom line by:

- Helping control rising health care costs
- Increasing employee productivity
- Increasing employee morale

We can help you build and customize a wellness program specific to your employees’ needs and health care data, and will deliver the tools you need to get a successful wellness program off the ground. We will help you:

- Gather claims data, a needs and interest survey, health risk
   assessment aggregate results, prescription drug utilization
   and other pertinent data. From this data we will make
   recommendations regarding the types of programs you may want to offer.
- Help build a strategic wellness plan that incorporates specific
  goals and objectives.
- Support the implementation of the wellness plan with specific
  resources and communication vehicles.
- Help evaluate and refine the plan over time.

Healthcare Committee Subject Matter Expert

At TMC we understand that an open dialog between administration, employees and the insurance broker are crucial to developing a program that is satisfactory to all parties involved. We serve as the experts on the subject matters that are discussed and will bring all relevant documents, reports and data that would help make informed decisions. We will help facilitate any programs that arise from the healthcare committee’s efforts. We truly respect and encourage employees’ involvement in their plan in making it viable, understandable and comprehensive enough to protect an employee from financial hardship. Together, a healthcare committee can make a very positive impact on an organization’s employee benefits package.


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Plan Implementation

Securing the best insurance package for your business begins with planning. Analyzing all your risks is critical to successful implementation of your employer group benefits.

Data Analysis

Data analysis allows you to manage and reduce your claims activity. By analyzing your losses, we can help you develop cost containment strategies and employee communication campaigns.


Understanding the increased complexity of employee benefits is a challenge. Staying abreast of the issues you face and developing strategies to meet the constant demands of business can give you a competitive edge.