Additional Resources

Additional Resources

We extend many of our value-added services to you electronically. Here is just a sampling of the information that we can deliver to you:

Legislative Briefs
EEOC Moves to Protect Retiree Benefits

Know Your Employee Benefits
Is Your Drug Plan Hard to Swallow?

HR Tools
Employee Benefits Survey

Wellness Services
Think About What You Drink!

Live Well, Work Well
Healthy Portion Sizes

Plan Designs
Health Savings Accounts

Handbook & Policies
Employee Handbook with Linked
Table of Contents

Employer Education Articles & Newsletters
Benefits Bulletin

Prevention Newsletter

Plan Implementation

Securing the best insurance package for your business begins with planning. Analyzing all your risks is critical to successful implementation of your employer group benefits.

Data Analysis

Data analysis allows you to manage and reduce your claims activity. By analyzing your losses, we can help you develop cost containment strategies and employee communication campaigns.


Understanding the increased complexity of employee benefits is a challenge. Staying abreast of the issues you face and developing strategies to meet the constant demands of business can give you a competitive edge.